Impact Report

Your Support Makes So Much Possible
Highlighting some of our projects and the supporters who make the work we do possible.
The Trustees are a dedicated group of supporters who serve as ambassadors in their community and volunteer their time and expertise to support the Aquarium.
Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific
The Trustees of the Pacific were established in 2003 to support the Aquarium of the Pacific’s mission and vision. The Aquarium of the Pacific appreciates the Trustees for their support, leadership, and for serving as exemplary ambassadors.
“I enjoy being a Trustee. I contribute money and I engage with family and friends to get them interested and excited about Aquarium happenings and making a membership commitment. I like talking to and getting to know other Trustees, and getting early insider information.”
Thank you to our committed and dedicated trustees.
as of 7/1/2024
Credit: Scott Smeltzer
Credit: Scott Smeltzer
Credit: Scott Smeltzer
Credit: Robin Riggs
Credit: Josh Barber
Credit: Scott Smeltzer
Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific / Robin Riggs
Conservation initiatives like the sea otter surrogacy program that help recover endangered and threatened species populations.
Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific
Programs like the CELP Scholar Program that support students’ journeys in STEM through scholarships, networking, and community-building.
Credit: Ken Kurtis
Opportunities for Aquarium staff to conduct conservation work in the field with our partners to protect vital species and ecosystems.
Credit: Scott Smeltzer
Fundraising events like Sea Fare and Bio Ball, which raise funds for Aquarium programs and strengthen a community of supporters.
Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific / Andrew Reitsma
Strategic planning, helping to contribute to the development of the Aquarium’s new strategic plan and provide feedback and insight for programs.
Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific
In addition to their role as Trustees, many also volunteer regularly at the Aquarium and donate their time and expertise in other departments, such as husbandry, education, and more.
Highlighting some of our projects and the supporters who make the work we do possible.
The Aquarium of the Pacific relies on the contributions of individuals, foundations, corporations, and government partners to support vital animal care, conservation, and education programs. Thank you for your support.